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City of Cleveland Heights Loan Program

The City of Cleveland Heights Loan fund was established to help entrepreneurs   grow and thrive in the city. We're offering small business loans starting at 2% interest.


Address of business or applying business owner must be in the City of Cleveland Heights. (Learn more, and determine if your business qualifies.)


If access to this highly affordable loan funding would help you grow your business, fill out a loan inquiry form today!


Please contact Harvey Smith, Relationship Manager, at


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About ​the City of Cleveland Heights Loan Program

Interest Rate

Low interest rate of 2% on qualifying loans with no prepayment penalties. 


Loan can be used for

  • Business expansion – including equipment, inventory, etc.

  • Working capital – including payroll, employee training, etc.

  • Attracting new employees – including competitive wages, benefits, etc.

  • New business start-up – includes business founder as one employee for job creation measures (if founder qualifies as LMI)


Businesses must:

  • EITHER the business must be located in an LMI Census Track of Cleveland Heights; OR the Owner is LMI and lives in the City of Cleveland Heights.

  • Be a for-profit business

  • Meet the SBA's definition of a small business (typically, fewer than 1,500 employees and less than $38.5 million in annual revenue)

  • Invest some of your own time and money into the business (required equity depending on the size of the total loan requested) 

  • Be able to show an ability to repay the loan

  • Not have previously defaulted on any government-guaranteed loan


If you have eligibility questions, contact Maria Kipfstuhl to learn if this or any of our other loan products can help your business grow:

The Benefits

  • Great for businesses that need funds to grow

  • Ideal if having funding to grow your staff would enable you to grow your business revenue

  • Attainable for business owners with low to average credit or ones who have been denied traditional financing

  • Can be used for most valid business needs


Get started by simply clicking this button:

CH Loan Details
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The Economic & Community Development Institute (ECDI) is one of the top U.S. SBA intermediary microlenders with a mission to invest in people to create measurable and enduring social and economic change. ECDI provides responsible, affordable lending and comprehensive small business development services to help meet the needs of small businesses. ECDI’s target population includes low-moderate income individuals and those otherwise precluded from funding from a traditional financial institution.

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This website is supported by Grant Numbers [90EE1247, 90EE1302, 90EE1320,  90EE1368] from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.

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