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Neighborhood Initiatives

OH3C, a place-based development program, created real impact in Ohio neighborhoods

What happens when you bring together four of Ohio’s most active community development financial institutions (CDFIs), ECDI, Cincinnati Development Fund, Ohio Capital Finance Corporation, and Village Capital Corporation, to combat the effects of gentrification through targeted capital investments within Ohio's 3Cs (Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland)?

$3 million in funding from JPMorgan Chase

9 Ohio neighborhoods

235+ affordable housing units

$1.2 million in small business loans and grants

134 small businesses financed

198 jobs created or retained 



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The Economic & Community Development Institute (ECDI) is one of the top U.S. SBA intermediary microlenders with a mission to invest in people to create measurable and enduring social and economic change. ECDI provides responsible, affordable lending and comprehensive small business development services to help underbanked people and communities join the economic mainstream. ECDI’s target population includes low-moderate income individuals, minorities, women, immigrants, and refugees, and those otherwise precluded from funding from a traditional financial institution.

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